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Hallo, Ich bin Berk. Ich bin neu in der Schweinfurt und möchte ich ein fußball verein teilnehmen. Ich bin 18 jahre alt und spiele ich als mittelfeld. My long passing is good, I am comptetitive, I like moving in to the space or passing into the space. Actually I am not sure about my position. I am fast and explosive genetically. I can score free kicks and use corners with accuracy. But also I always try to win the ball back as soon as possible so I tackle a lot and always go to one on one fights when I play midfield. I can use my left foot for basic passes or crosses, or sometimes I can shoot too. I also can use the outside of my right foot like modric and quaresma. I am not too good but these are my strong sides I think. I want to at least join to trainings it doesnt matter which or what level club .
Zuletzt aktiv: Dezember 2022
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